[Deprecated] KardiaChain Web Wallet
Metamask extension is now the recommended way to use Kardiachain on browser.
Deprecated instruction
KardiaChain Web wallet is web base wallet built specific for KardiaChain.
KardiaChain web base supports different browser extension such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Opera. The users can interact with the Web base wallet such as send transaction, staking and smart contract. The Web base wallet is recommended for Advance users who have good understanding about cryptocurrency and how to use the wallet. As a good practice, always logout the wallet when not in use.
Setting Up New Wallet
Navigate to https://explorer.kardiachain.io/wallet-login, Select Create a new wallet:
Click on Get Started:
CREATE WITH PRIVATE KEY: a unique private will be generated
Regardless of what method that use, ALWAYS safeguard the information which generate during the seup
Click on Go and PRIVATE KEY message window will appear on the screen, choose Create wallet.
The Private Key will be masked for the privacy:
To review the key, click on the eye icon.
To copy, click on thumb nail.
Click on Access Now to create the new wallet.
Click on Go and KEYSTORED FILE message window will appear on the screen:
Create store password (minimum 8 characters) required
Click on Create wallet:
KEYSTORED FILE message window will appear.
Click on Download Keystore to download file to local computer.
Click Access Now to create the new wallet.
Click on Go and MNEMONIC PHRASE message window will appear on the screen:
If accept the autogenerate phrase, click Copy icon to save the phrase and secure it.
If not accept the autogenerate phrase, click on Change phase to create a new phase. Click Copy icon to save the phrase and secure it.
Click Create wallet to create a new wallet.
Accessing Wallet
From https://explorer.kardiachain.io/wallet-login, choose Access my wallet and click Access Now. Access wallet message window will appear:
Kardia Extension Wallet Connect: requires to have browser extension installed and sign in.
Private Key: use private key which created by using CREATE WITH PRIVATE KEY.
Keystore File: use the downloaded file which created by using CREATE WITH KEYSTORED FILE.
Mnemonic Phrase: user the 12 words phrase which created by using CREATE WITH MNEMONIC PHRASE.
Regardless of the login method, user required to create pass code to secure the web wallet when not in use. This pas code will be need to login to the wallet.
How to Navigate and Use the Wallet
The Web Wallet will always display Address and Balance. It also has 4 main categories:
Dashboard: overview of information of the wallet.
Send Transaction: send kind to someone else or to different wallet address.
Staking: will have different option for user to choose. Either Validator or Delegator.
Smart Contract: to deploy or interact with the smart contract on KardiaChain network.
Transaction history will show the history of all the transaction such Send, Receive and list by date. There also a plus sign which used to send KAI to different receiver or wallet address.
Transaction: display info about Tx Hash, Block Height, From, To, Value(KAI) and Tx Fee (KAI).
KRC20 Token Txs: display info about Tx Hash, From, To, Balance and Token.
Send Transaction:
Will be used to send Native KAI Token or KRC20 Token to someone or to different wallet address:
Native KAI Token:
To address: address of the receiver.
Amount: amount of KAI will be sent.
Gas Limit: default 29000
Gas Price:
Normal: 1 OXY
Regular: 2 OXY
Fast: 3 OXY
Send KAI
KRC20 Token:
Select token KRC20 Token: type of Token will be used.
To address: address of the receiver.
Amount: amount of KRC20 Token will be sent.
Gas Limit: default 100000
Gas Price:
Normal: 1 OXY
Regular: 2 OXY
Fast: 3 OXY
Send Token
There will be two options for staking:
For Validator:
Register to become a validator
Gas Limit: 5M
Gas Price:
Normal: 1 OXY
Regular: 2 OXY
Fast: 3 OXY
Name: name of the Validator which identify the organization.
Commission Rate (%): the commission will be charge to the Delegator.
Max Rate (%): Max rate that Delegator can be charged.
Max Change Rate (%): max rate range that commission can be in each commission change period.
Your Delegation Amount: the amount for self delegate, min requirement is 25000.
For Delegator:
Claim Rewards: claim the reward from delegated KAI.
Validator: name of the Validator.
Staked: amount of staked KAI.
Claimable Rewards: amount of reward KAI.
Withdraw: withdraw staked KAI from Validator
Validator: name of the Validator.
Staked: amount of staked KAI.
Rewards: amount of reward KAI.
Unbounded: amount of unbounded KAI.
Withdrawable: amount of withdraw KAI.
Smart contract:
For the smart contract that will be used on Kardia Virtual Machine (KVM).
Deploy Contract
Deploy Smart Contract by Bytecode:
Gas Limit: 3M
Gas Price:
Normal: 1 OXY
Regular: 2 OXY
Fast: 3 OXY
Byte Code: the smart contract Byte Code file.
ABI JSON: the JSON file.
Deploy Contract: to write the smart contract into the KardiaChain network.
Reset: clear all the input information.
Interact With Contract
Interact With Smart Contract:
Contract Address: the address of the smart contract.
Upload: upload the contract.json file
ABI JSON: input the ABI JSON
Go To Contract: will display all the contents of the smart contract.
Reset: clear all the input information.
Last updated
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