KRC20 tokens

KRC20 tokens are blockchain-based assets that have value and can be sent and received. It's similar to Ethereum's ERC20 tokens.

Get KRC20 balance of a wallet

Unlike KAI, each KRC20 token has its own decimals so getting balance is a little more complex. You'll need to:

  • Get balance from KRC20 smart contract

  • Using the decimals of that smart contract, convert the received value. You can use any big number library but we recommend using bignumber.js

import KardiaClient from 'kardia-js-sdk';
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';

const kardiaClient = new KardiaClient({ endpoint: RPC_ENDPOINT });
const krc20Instance = kardiaClient.krc20;

// Fetch KRC20 token's data from smart contract
await krc20Instance.getFromAddress('KRC20_TOKEN_ADDRESS');

const balance = await krc20Instance.balanceOf('YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS');
// `balance` will be your wallet's balance, but with token's `decimals` padding.
// To get real ballance, use the following code

const decimals = await krc20Instance.getDecimals();
const balanceBN = new BigNumber(balance);
const decimalsBN = new BigNumber(10 ** decimals);
const parsedBalance = balanceBN.dividedBy(decimalsBN).toFixed(); // parsed balance in string

Send a KRC20 transaction

Sending a KRC20 tokens can be done simply by calling transfer method.

import KardiaClient from 'kardia-js-sdk';

const kardiaClient = new KardiaClient({ endpoint: RPC_ENDPOINT });

const krc20Instance = kardiaClient.krc20;

// Fetch KRC20 token's data from smart contract
await krc20Instance.getFromAddress('KRC20_TOKEN_ADDRESS');

const txResult = await krc20Instance.transfer(
    1 // Amount of tokens to send

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